Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Now this Android 7.0 Nouget has been released

Now this Android 7.0 Nouget has been released, the top tier OEMs have started to announces when we can expect to see upgrades. Sony has confirmed that  Xperia Z3+…., the Xperia Z5 ranges, and the Xperia X & Xa range will all geting Nougat, while HTC has anounse that Android Nouget will be come to its HTC 10, One M8, and one A9 smartphone. And we know that Google has release Android 7.0 for the Nexus 7,.. the Nexus 5X.., the Nexus 6P and the Generel Mobile 4G (Android One)….

Unfortunately,.. it looks like some popular device will miss the party... For example… Sony announcement didn’t includeing the Xperia Z3…, HTC’s announcement didn’t including the One M8…, and Google isn’t planning to release Nougat for the Naxus 5. This three device have two things in common…. First, there age.. They were all released in 2013/2014/2015, make them at least two years old. 2ndly, they all use the Snapdragon 800 or Snapdragon 802 processors.
Speculation about support for Android 7.0 on the Snapdragon 800/801/802 was further fueled bya tweet from LlabToofar, the developers behind the Maximu HD ROM, “Qualcom will not released graphic drivers for 800/801/802 CPU. So HTC One M8 and others device based on this CPU won’t geting official Android 7.0.”…..
We reached out to Qualcomm for a message and received the following statements:
“Qualcomm Technologie…, Inc Worked closely with our OEM customer to implement and support vary version of the Android OS across our Snapdragon chipset. The length of time a chipsat is support and the upgradable OS version available to consumers are subject to the OEM product lifecicle. We recommend you contact your device manufacturar or carrier for informations on support for Android 7.0 Nougat…..”
So, according to Qualcomm it is an age things, i.e. the OEM (LG, Sony, HTC,Walton etc) have decided that Snapdragon 800/801/802 devices have reached the end of their product life cycle. But Qualcomm statement and LlabTooFeR tweet are at ods with one other… What if another OEM want to release Android 7.0 Nougat on a Snapdragon 800/801/802 device? Would it be allow???


Sony was actively develop Android 7.0 for the Xperia Z3... There is an Android N Developer Preview program for the Xperia Z3 that was updated right up to and include Developer Preview 4. Android 7.0 clearly run fine on the Snapdragon 800/801/802, so there is no technical limitations from the processor side of thing. But DP6 was never released…. According to Sony, it was because of reason “both technical and legal.”…..
Ola Olsson, of Sony Mobile Communications, expanded on this a bit when he comment on Google++: “Yeah, this is sad but we don’t want to play the games which mean that we can’t say more about the technicaly limitation. Even if we really want to give you N on the z3(c)…. we cun’t [have] been able to do it…. Not if we want to pass the Google CTS.”…..

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